
Fundraising – Giving Back
Hidden beneath our camouflaged, combat uniforms, and behind our semi-automatic weapons, we really are a bunch of softies who believe giving back to the communities we operate in is a call of duty.
We conduct various fundraising initiatives each year aimed at helping charities raise funds for worthy causes, including building ‘The Delta Palms School’ in Malawi (named after us) and have raised funds for the RSPCA and the Normandy Veterans Association.
If you are a New Zealand charity looking for a fun and exciting way to raise funds then please contact us.
We regularly donate designer paintball tickets to charity, which can be used to raise funds or reward volunteers. For instance you can auction off the tickets or sell them to raise funds or conduct fundraising raffles. Maybe even give them away as prizes to people who donate money to your cause.
These tickets normally retail for $79.95, but we are giving them away for free to New Zealand-based charitable institutions.
All you need to do in order receive the tickets is contact us with a written request. Upon receipt, we will review your request and send out the tickets. It really is as simple as that!
All the best with your next fundraising initiative!