
Some of our happy customer testimonials

“Jason and Charlotte were amazing on the day… Definitely one of the major reasons that we will be coming back to Delta Force again.”
Maria | Delta Force Paintball – Woodhill, Auckland New Zealand

“I thought the overall day was very good and the kids had a blast while I was particularly impressed with the call center staff and the friendliness of our marshal’s on the day. Alex was great.”
Martha | Delta Force Paintball – Woodhill, Auckland New Zealand

“What an awesome day. I could not ask for a more professionally run event”
Greg | Delta Force Paintball – Appin NSW Australia

“SURRENDER SURRENDER! Awesome stuff guys! Enjoyed our experience thoroughly. Highly recommended!”
Imran | Delta Force Dingley – Melbourne VIC, Australia

“Epic Day today at Delta Force, thanks for having us!”
Christiaan | Delta Force Paintball – Appin NSW Australia

“Hey thanks for the paintballing day we had last Sunday you guys are the best! My fave is the pyramid”
Riti | Delta Force Bonneys – Perth WA Australia

“Thank you Delta Force the boys had an amazing day! Our Marshal Allan was the coolest dude and made us feel like we were really in a battle
Steven | Delta Force Paintball –  Woodhill, Auckland New Zealand

About Delta Force Paintball