



We are thrilled to be able to announce that after months of uncharacteristically empty and player-less game zones, we are finally bringing paintball back to New Zealand, with the grand reopening of our fan favourite Delta Force Auckland centre!

Mark it in your calendars, thrill-seekers and adrenaline chasers – the Auckland doors will be reopening, so be sure to book your place soon to avoid missing out to other future battle heroes itching to get back in the field with us!

In accordance with local government guidelines, Delta Force is currently adhering to a rigid, industry leading Covid policy. This includes an intense new sterilisation process of all equipment between player usage, with a minimum period of 72 hours separating gun or goggle allocation from one player to another. Contact tracing will be in place upon player arrival and while the wearing of face masks is not currently mandatory, Delta Force encourages customers to be mindful of their fellow players and obey social distancing guidelines at all times while onsite.

Paintball is the perfect post-lockdown activity in which to blow off steam, enjoy the outdoors, get the blood pumping, and reunite with friends and family in a fun and Covid-compliant environment. Book now with our online registration system, and we look forward to seeing you in the field – it’s been far too long!

Posted in News on 13th October 2020

Last updated 24th November 2021
